Graham Audio LS5/5 Loudspeaker

When we first received the Graham revised LS5/5, we were coming off of our audition of the Graham LS5/8 which we thought was superb.  There are many resolute loudspeakers in today’s market but few equal the redesigned LS5/5 for its ability to deliver the emoticon & passion in the music.  Its a conduit for midrange magic, capable of uplifting the listener with joy or dropping him to his knees with tears of sadness.  Such is the power of music … the sound of God whispering in your ear. – Philip O’Hanlon, On A Higher Note

Originally designed in 1967, the BBC was very proud of the LS5/5 design and it was considered by many at the BBC to be their best speaker they ever designed which they use for monitoring their recordings of classical music. However, when the Rock n Roll era came about the engineers found that the LS5/5 would not play loud enough, so they came out with the LS5/8.

Our source revealed that the BBC have used these speakers for decades for microphone calibration to ensure that the microphones meet the BBC’s technical specifications.  When you consider that the BBC has access to pretty much anything in today’s market, this is a huge praise for the original LS5/5 design.

Fast forward to 2019 and with the use of higher quality magnets, drivers, glue, crossover components; the revised LS5/5 now has 10dB greater power handling/output. This is eight times louder than the original. As you can see from the White Paper (click here), the original LS5/5 was powered by an onboard 25 WPC amplifier. The 2019 Graham revised LS5/5 is a passive design.