Press Release: Gryphon Audio Designs World Premiere of the new Vanta Series Cables



The Gryphon Vanta

Gryphon Audio Designs proudly announces the release of a whole new series of cables. It is the very top of the line from Gryphon and it is a new evolutionary step in Gryphon Cable Production.

The VANTA Series will offer Speaker Cables, Interconnects, Power Cords and finally Digital Cables as well.

The Devil Lies In The Detail…

All VANTA Cables are terminated with carefully selected audio grade connectors from some of the leading manufactures in the world, such as Oyaide and Neutrik. The connectors are soldered to the Silver-Gold conductors under microscope to make sure that all connections are soldered to perfection.

Nothing is left to chance. Everything is thought through to the very last detail… As we tend to say: “The devil lies in the detail”.

Download the full Press Release <<HERE>>

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