Luxman L-550Ax Wins SoundStage! Product of the Year 2015 Award

2015 soundstage poty luxman

SoundStage! Hi-Fi just announced the winners of their annual Products of the Year awards for 2016. and we are proud to say that the Luxman L-550Ax won the Product of the Year for the Integrated Amplifier category. The bonus is that this amplifier also transformed a skeptic into an endorser.

Back in May, SoundStage! Hi-Fi’s Hans Wetzel reviewed the Luxman L-550Ax. Prior to using it, he had been skeptical about the L-550Ax’s power, but agreed to review the amp at editor Doug Schneider’s suggestion: “I told him to just listen to it and then decide.” He ended up awarding the L-550Ax with a Reviewer’s Choice Award.

“Don’t let that 20Wpc power rating fool you—this thing is…a brute with enough muscle and current to fill a room with loud, if not deafening-loud, levels of music.”

“The modestly powered Luxman L-550AX is the best integrated amp available for $5000 or less.

Hans Wetzel, SoundStage! Hi-Fi May 2015

If you’re looking for an integrated amplifier that is in the under $5000 price range, we highly recommend you schedule an audition to hear the L-550Ax.

Read the full article at SoundStage! Hi-Fi

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