Thirty years ago I used to travel regularly to Paris & quickly found a terrific chain of record shops – FNAC. You can imagine my delight to walk in to one a fortnight ago, traveling with my family. It felt like visiting an old friend. FNAC have quite a decent selection of reissues & recent releases. Glancing through the covers, I couldn’t believe what I found! This one LP literally winked at me, with a label proclaiming that this album had been produced by Rick Rubin, a man of impeccable musical taste.
Angus and Julia Stone’s third album, an Australian brother & sister duo, musically quite folksy, laid back and really pleasant without descending into the soporific. Never having heard of this duo, I bought the double LP on clear vinyl, limited edition of 1000, French pressing, on the strength of Rick Rubin’s involvement. Rick is not in need of a pay check, he can clearly pick & choose who he’ll work with…

Boy am I glad that I did; I have not really heard this album often enough to have fully absorbed it under my skin. But what I have digested is superb. Gorgeous interplay of Julia’s dreamy, angelic voice with Angus’ baritone, makes for terrific contrast. Listen / watch “Grizzly Bear” on YouTube
The double LP was released last week. Musically charming & sparsely produced allows the music to maintain its folksy, organic feel. These guys deserve a lot more exposure. Highly recommended.
I kept browsing and was thrilled to be able to pick up these LP’s as well:
I will be back in Montreal at Coup de Foudre in a couple of weeks and it’s great to bring some fresh French music with me!