Review by The Audio Beat on Gryphon Audio Design’s flagship Kodo Loudspeaker System

gryphon kodo Blue

gryphon kodo Blue


Excerpts from the review article of Gryphon Audio Design’s flagship Kodo loudspeakersystem by’s Roy Gregory published today:


“… this is temperamentally very much a real-world system for real-world music …”


“… Gryphon’s bottom end relies on attack and impact to impress — and impress it certainly does…”


“… the separation isn’t so much spatial as textural and tonal … quick and articulate … ability to project substance and energy, a solid central musical presence…”


“…  no denying the clear synergy that exists between the speakers and the matching electronics, the amplifiers with which they were developed …”


“… the philosophical elegance of the thinking behind the Kodo’s conception and the mechanical integrity with which it has been realized makes this a speaker system that is more than capable of exploiting as well as being exploited by a whole range of electronic partners….”


– Roy Gregory,

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