Highlights of Music Seminar with Paul Blizel (Analog Audio of Minnesota 2013)

finished set up

AA of MN  Music Seminar

Debut Luxman DA-06 DAC in Maple Grove, MN February 23, 2013

Vivid Giya roadshow with Brinkmann Bardo in Analog Audio of Minnesota
Vivid Giya roadshow with Brinkmann Bardo in Analog Audio of Minnesota

“…veritable wizard when it comes to finding quintessential recordings. These recordings aren’t the low hanging musical fruit, but boy do they seem ripe enough for free fall when you play them…’Philip always plays the best music,’ is how you were first described to me. Thank you for sharing your passion with us.”

–  Joe H., MN

The highlight of this seminar was when Chris Connaker, Editor of Computer Audiophile, brought his own SACD DSD rips.  Of note was Nat King Cole’s “The Very Thought of You” by Capital Recording Studio with captivating orchestra and strings that are lush, rich and vibrant.  NKC’s voice was smooth like velvet, amazing by anyone’s standard, especially after three packs of menthol cigarettes a day!

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