Coup de Foudre’s cocktail party

Ralph Jordans picture of CDFs splash1
Ralph Jordan's picture of CDF's splash
Ralph Jordan’s picture of CDF’s splash

This is not an event to be missed, with the most eclectic company, finest light food and superb wine. I had a terrific time spinning tunes with a modest Luxman Vivid system: Luxman DA-100 DAC, Luxman L-550Ax integrated amplifier driving the Vivid V1.5’s.

While the system might have been modest dollars, it sounded absolutely marvelous, honestly, the best I have ever heard the V1.5’s sound.

As a side note, these V1.5 Vivid speakers got very positive reviews from John Marks at Stereophile in 2010 <see review> and Hans Wetzel at Soundstage Network earlier this year <see review>.

The Luxman L-550Ax is a class A classic. It is continually one of our best selling products and deservedly so.

Erik was in charge of rotating music lovers through the room. Peter McGrath was the host next door, playing his music through the Wilson Alexia’s. Some guests even brought their young children along to what was clearly a fun evening for all.

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