Audiodrom’s review of Luxman C-700u & M-700u combo offered unusual advice to avoid ‘sleepless nights’

Luxman C900u M900u 20150402 Blog Audiodrom

“… the guitars (are) so present in my listening room – The sound was so precise and pristine … The details of fingers or guitar picks were absolutely stunning.

“During the review I had Accuphase’s E-600 integrated for comparison… the Luxman’s combo rewarded me with more accurate soundstage, bigger slam, sharper transients and more air, the music was illuminated better. At the end I preferred the Luxmans.

“Similarly, the progress that the new ‘M’ line of Luxman have made is apparent even within its own catalogue. As much as I liked the sound of the Luxman L-550Ax integrated I have to admit that the amplifier separates are in a totally different league. The direct comparison shows superiority of the C-700u and M-700u: the soundstage explodes laterally and in depth, microdynamics are supercharged and artists regain their passion. If you are a Luxman devotee plus budget short you should consider not to audition the newcomers otherwise you risk sleepless nights.” Read Full Review.

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