You say egg, I say ocular…or is it really oval? Maybe it’s more like a jet engine…

tdm1 features

While the Eclipse TD-M1 speaker system has reviewers debating its shape, they agree along a common thread: accuracy, immediacy, speed, and imaging unheard of in desktop or Airplay systems offering a lot for your money.

People asked us before whether we specialize in these special-shaped speakers (referring to Vivid Audio’s Giya series that we import). Our pursuit has been to help music lovers experience a deep connection with their music while having the system disappear (so to speak) from the experience.

Form follows function is quite an unromantic way to describe it but in all truthfulness, every element of TD-M1’s design is functional and a direct result of the requirements of Time-Domain anti-resonant construction.

I could not have written a better copy of this speaker system than the write-up from Neil McCauley at Our Listener’s Club in the UK.

Eclipse’s speakers begin shipping to the public today. Experience deep musical connection with Eclipse’s decade long development and award-winning Time Domain technology at your home and office. Ping us for an audition!

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