Soundstage! Network 2014 Product of the Year Award to Luxman C-900u Preamplifier ($19,990)

Soundstage Network POTY 2014 for C 900u

Luxman’s C-900u is the only preamp named Product of the Year by Soundstage Network for “Outstanding Performance.”

It also made Doug Schneider’s 2014  “Three Favorite Products” List, citing it impressed him more than any other electronic component he heard in 2014!

“recording after recording, reproduced soundstages had more width and depth than I’d ever heard before.

“The C-900u is not only well built for its price, it’s so well built that if it costs $39,800 instead of $19,900, I’d still applaud it”

See Soundstage! Network’s review of this component here.

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