Philip’s Playlist Series – Transcendence on TIDAL, 2006


A wonderful compilation from 2006; while the music might be considered a little eclectic, I came across many of these tunes while living near the Goldfields in W. Australia. Tuned in to the BBC World service at night, where I sated my lust for interesting music. The commercially programmed radio stations in Australia were stuck in a time warp, still playing The Doors, Led Zeppelin… as if time stood still. All the tracks here have wonderful sonics and will stand the test of time with repeated listening. Here is a wonderful example of the armchair traveler, the album opens with a gorgeous piano adaptation of The Door’s “Birds Of Prey” played by George Winston, who turns it into a New Age melody.

Paul Horn recorded a sublime album inside the Taj Mahal, just a flute and a voice supplemented by the incredible reverberations underneath the great dome.

Bjork enlisted the help of The Brodsky Quartet to revisit one of her own songs; Hyper-Ballad, its completely different from the original but just as valid.

Momo Wandel Soumah is a rare treat, at the beginning of the song before the music begins, you will hear the insects chirping. African take on the Blues, I have no idea what he’s singing about, but I can certainly understand the emotion.

Probably the most improbable collaboration on this Compilation is that of the Album Passages by Ravi Shankar & Philip Glass. Ragas In A Minor Scale was composed by Ravi Shankar then arranged & performed by Philip Glass; Bravo !

This album sadly comes to an end with Ravi Shankar’s daughter Anoushka’s Ancient Love from her album Rise; another wonderful blend of Indian & Western.

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