Merging MC-8 NADAC “Professional audio gear into … consumer high-end listening rooms, with all the benefits thereof.” – David Robinson, PFO


Inaugural review of Merging Technologies’ NADAC MC-8 Network Attached Digital to Analog Converter was just published by David Robinson, editor of Positive Feedback online.

“A remarkable technical achievement, it excels in so many ways, and brings enough unique innovations with it, that it stands out from the highly populated field of DSD DACs in my experience.”

“…the current global leader in DSD hardware and software solutions in the professional world is the creative force behind the NADAC MC-8. Given my prior experience with the superlative quality of their Horus and HAPI analog-to-digital processors with Pyramix 8 and 9, it was easy for me to believe that their multichannel DAC would be top-notch world-class, as well…I was right.”

“I have not heard a clearer and cleaner reproduction of DSD at all levels than that offered by the NADAC”

“…the NADAC has an extraordinary sense of the crystalline possibilities of DSD, especially in Double DSD, and very especially in Quad DSD.”

“…I will say the NADAC stands at the head of the line in terms of soundstaging, producing an effect second only to that of a properly setup multichannel room (and those are really hard to find). Since the NADAC MC-8 does have the ability to go out to eight channels, allowing 5.1 or 7.1 reproduction, if you want to go to the multichannel level of audio, you can do so.”

“I have known and love other first-rank DSD DACs, at several different price ranges, but the NADAC is superlative in so many ways that it’s hard to see another product at the current time that isn’t racing to catch up.”

“Merging has brought the larger world of professional audio gear into our world of consumer high-end listening rooms, with all the benefits thereof.”

“What else can I say here? It’s stellar.” <Full Article>

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