New Product Release at RMAF: Luxman CL-38u Tube Preamplifier with on board phono stage

LuxmanCL 38u Debut Product Details

CL-38u Tube Preamplifier with onboard phono stage, tone control and remote control is Luxman’s latest addition to its Classic Series, now retails for $4,200 in N. America. On A Higher Note, its exclusive distributor for U.S. and Canada is showing it for the first time at the Rocky Mountain Music Fest Oct 10 – 12 in Denver.  Here to see detail description of the product.

Compared to its predecessor solution, a 3-box separates  (CL-88u control amp, EQ-88 tube MM phono stage and MT-88 Phono MC Step up Transformer) that carried a $9,000 price tag, the CL-38u is the perfect vacuum tube control center for the listener who appreciates tonal color and wants to derive the maximum pleasure from his music playback system with a kind price tag.

Luxman CL-38u Tube Preamplifier review by Hugh Fountain
“Never been so fooled by a product!” by Hugh Fountain III, Acoustic Consultant at Berkeley, CA


To view what Hugh Fountain III of Music Lovers Audio in Berkeley and San Francisco has to say about this new product, click here or picture below:

Luxman designed this preamp to pair with the MQ-88 Tube Power Amp, its D-38u CD Player with Tube & SS output stages, and its PD-171 turntable for the classic look in an ensemble.

Contact us for your nearest dealer for an audition.

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