Part 1 of 6: Demo Material LPs—the Blues

Philip O'Hanlon's demo lps blues playlist

Philip O'Hanlon's demo lps blues playlist

Audiophiles and music lovers are always on the hunt for new music. There are many classics audiophile albums here, though I’m sure I’ve forgotten some. I can assure you that all of these are musically compelling. I try to avoid albums that have just one stand-out track.

This is Part 1 of 6, in which we focus on the blues albums on my list of demo material LPs. Included below is the album and the actual track that is superb both musically and sonically.


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1 thoughts on “Part 1 of 6: Demo Material LPs—the Blues

  1. Todd says:

    Some of these I already owned. Purchased the rest. Outstanding music.. Hot Spot is awesome. If you don’t own these then buy now.

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