A music lover in awe, Vivid G3 Giya paired with Belles amplifiers, a listener’s testimonial

LSA Sound Room Vivid G3 Isolation shot 1

I went to Locke Street Audio’s private listening room yesterday. I was amazed at the sound I heard. The sound stage was big but accurate, the speakers completely disappeared and you could just hear instruments playing. The bass was very deep but it was tight and not muddy and at some points made the room shake. The dynamics of these speakers and the Belles amplifiers were a knock out combination, it could go from producing the smallest bell to a slamming kettle drum almost instantaneously with nearly enough impact to knock you out of your seat.

The speakers will play loud but they never lose their quality and detail when they do. In some recordings David played for me you could hear small details like a guitarist breathing while he was playing and his fingers moving across the strings. The vocals were also great, very natural and realistic to the point you would think the person was in the room with you singing. He played a piece with a solo drum set and when you closed your eyes it actually felt and sounded as though there was a drum kit in the room, you could feel the presence of the kit. Just the amount of realism from this system astonished me. I went in thinking it’s going to sound great but instead I left in awe of what I heard.

Thanks for a great afternoon of music,

Mathew Stephenson, Toronto, Canada

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