Luxman SQ-38u

SQ-38u input selector

LUXMAN sq38uBy Brian Boehler:

“We then hooked-up the Luxman SQ-38u to the Vivid GIYA G3’s and took a listen. Wow, many of my perceptions flew out the window.  While it was still a tube unit, many of the areas of concern were either eliminated or they were reduced in a dramatic way.  Bass was not flabby or uncontrolled.  It still didn’t reach to the lowest regions but what was there was very controlled and sounded like real bass.  Acoustic bass was nicely rendered but electronic bass was just not as tight or fast.  Overall, I was impressed and feel like most people who love acoustic music would be very happy with this sound.  The top end was not as extended as solid state but had a very nice sense of authenticity.”

“The sense of space and placement were fantastic.  I finally get what tube-o-files love about the sense of realness.”

Mike Galusha weighs in:

“Intimate and warm but with excellent dynamics at the same time, no seeming shortage of information. I can easily see this with a good source and a relatively efficient pair of speakers providing some long term enjoyment, especially for those more interested in listening to music than messing about with equipment. Very nice indeed.”

Full review

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