Artesania racks are superbly well built and they sound fantastic. By lowering the noise floor on your system, these racks bring out the inner detail you have been missing up until now. Bass is tightened up and more clearly defined.
Not only did manufacturers showing at CES rave about the Artesania Audio’s rack, high end audio industry insiders worldwide who chose to use Artesania racks at the High End Munich Show 2015, and the Tokyo Show 2015 seem to reach the same consensus.
At On A Higher Note, the only change we made to our system in our listening room this year was to put in an Artesania Exoteryc rack with an Artesania Krion turntable platform and two of the Aire amplifier stands. What we particularly like is how the whole system now takes on a more relaxed tone. Music becomes yet more enjoyable to listen to.

Here’s an anecdote we want to share: Pandora got in from Los Angeles during the opening morning of CES. Music was playing and she was dying to hear the system, especially how the Vivid Audio B1D sounded as she missed both debut events in N. America. She started greeting people but she froze in the middle of the room as the sound suddenly changed dramatically for the better. None of us knew what caused it. It just sounded like someone was fiddling with the tone controls. We looked around the room only to find Tatsu San from Luxman moving the dampening plates on top of each Luxman component to find the perfect sound. He did it every so slowly, gliding the anti-magnetic stainless disc across the top of each component. The result, we can attest that the difference was noticeable, but most noticeable on the preamplifier. It’s just that all active components generate electrical magnetic energy (EMI). The dampening plates do a remarkable job of squishing this unwanted energy, which audibly corrupts the audio signal.
It’s a similar effect to what I heard at RMAF 2015, when we used a similar system to that of RAMF 2014, except for the inclusion of the Artesania racks. The system took on a wonderful, musical, relaxed character.
Every rack or amplifier stand comes complete with a dampening plate for each shelf / component. Also included are a choice of neoprene or Delrin discs underneath each decoupling base, with a choice of velvet or neoprene isolation discs that support each component. In a lively room you can tune the system down, in a more damped room, you can make your system a little more lively sounding.

The stock color is gunmetal, but black or silver finishes are also available as an option.

Watch what one of our Artesania dealers had to say about these hand crafted racks below.
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