Midrange Magic Music Seminar at T.H.E. SHOW, Long Beach, June 10 – 12 Show Report | N. American Debut of Graham Audio LS5.5f


The Board Room, Hilton Long Beach Hotel, Long Beach, California

Friday, June 10 – 12, 2022

Presenter:  Philip O’Hanlon to spin old tunes and new releases from his private collection with select hot new albums and re-released classics.

ShowcasingGraham Audio LS5.5f, Bergmann Audio Modi Air bearing turntable System with Moonriver 404 Reference Integrated amp with optional DAC and phonostageArtesania shelf-less audio rack system with accessories, Cardas Audio cables accessories


Equipment List and Pricing

Artesania Audio “Exoteryc” three-level rack  $7,300

KRION turntable platform $4,850

30mm Decoupling Discs $75 each

Bergmann Audio “Modi” air bearing turntable & “Modi” Air-bearing, linear tracking tonearm $17,000

Hana ML cartridge $1,200

Graham Audio – LS5/5f speakers starts at $24,995. (Spikes resting on Artesania 30mm Decoupling Discs @ $75 each.)

MoonRiver 404 Reference, integrated amplifier $4,995 and optional internal phono MM/MC phono-stage $550.

Cardas Audio “Clear” cables, interconnects & power cords

The Art Show, sponsored by Moso Art Gallery


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