Tag Archives: High End Audio

A Tale of Three Components – Gryphon Sonett Phonostage, the Third Leg for a Vinyl Outboard Trio

Gryphon Vinyl Outboard Trio

Gryphon Audio has a remarkable reputation for their systems approach with designers and engineers knowing just the right touch needed to evoke just enough emotion.  The brand leads with their money-no-object […]

Ken Kessler & Paul Miller, HiFi News, “HIGHLY RECOMMEND” Luxman’s 90th birthday “celebratory” 700 series.

“Style, fit and finish ooze ‘luxury’ as the name has always implied, while tone controls are comprehensive yet avoiding clutter. Meters are a nice touch, as is the preamp’s display.” […]

Montreal’s Salon Son & Image 2015 pre-show rundown, music in my suitcase!

Baniere SSI 2015

Off to Montreal we go! My affinity towards both Montreal, the city and their French Canadian residents is well-known. As a token of appreciation to the hospitality I receive, I […]