I was first exposed to the remarkable Luxman M-200 during CES 2013, where we used a Macbook’s USB output to connect to a Luxman DA-200 and have it feed the […]
Tag Archives: New Products
Luxman L-505uX, L-505u Showdown
LUXMAN L-505u versus L-505uX Tonally both amplifiers were voiced the same by Hashimoto-san at Luxman, Yokohama. Sonically: The L-505uX is quieter, more liquid mid-range and a more three dimensional soundstage is […]
We have Mola Mola on active display over at the Mirage penthouse #D36 during CES driving Vivid G3 Giyas. They are also on passive display at the Venetian in 30-216. You really […]
“It was as if the L-590AX could render also the cigarette smoke, heavy curtains and a worn out carpet, fingers dancing on the strings and the ice, slowly melting in […]
Luxman’s wonderful NeoClassico amplifier – winner of 6 Moons “Blue Moon ” award. here is the review. We have also attached the review from HiFi News (UK), another glowing testimonial. Luxman […]
Many audiophiles have a DAC in their system, that predates streaming music over a USB cable from their computer. I asked Luxman to develop the U-100R, it allows one to […]
Many audiophiles and music lovers approached us during the NY Audio Show as to where they could hear the diminutive G3 Giyas (just 3’9″ tall). These speakers punch way outside […]
Luxman’s first turntable in 28 years offers classic looks and timeless performance. The Luxman PD-171 is the powerful heart of any analog playback system. Its high output power supply, coupled […]
We had terrific success with the L-550A II when we started importing Luxman in 2007; many audiophiles & music lovers loved its combination of state of the art technology, such […]
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