Hi-Fi+ review calls Vivid Giya G4 loudspeaker “very best” space-conscious loudspeaker choice

Hi-Fi+ review of Vivid Audio Giya G4 loudspeaker

Hi-Fi+ review of Vivid Audio Giya G4 loudspeaker

Jason Kennedy reviewed the smallest of the Vivid Giya series, the G4 in the November issue of Hi-Fi+.

“Essentially Vivid has its own take on almost every aspect of loudspeaker design and technology; this makes construction expensive but results in loudspeakers that consistently have lower perceived distortion than most of the competition… It’s easy to deliver load of bass but considerably harder to do so in an articulate and clean fashion. Most speakers impress at first, but you quickly tire of the aural display because distortion levels, particular in the bass, undermine the experience; that was not the case with the G4. Alongside this is an ability to totally defy the scale of the box and produce full-size imagery, so that room size is really the only limiting factor when it comes to perceived stage height, width, and depth…

“The highs are nothing short of spectacularly real and extended, which makes reproducing instruments like violin an unusally pleasant experience … greater depth of image, increased realism, and presence. Presence is the operative word here, and virtually everything played sounded like it was in the room…

“The quality of build, finish, and ultimately sound puts them in the same league as the very best brands in the business…It is very rare to hear a loudspeaker that’s as revealing as the G4…If you are looking for the very best but have limited space to enjoy it in then this curvy beauty should be very high on your must hear bucket list.”

Read more at Hi-Fi+.

You can learn more about the Vivid G4 speakers here or contact us online or call us at 1-949-544-1990 to schedule an audition.

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