Hi-Fi+ singles out Luxman / Eclipse RMAF room for “exceptional sound”

Eclipse / Luxman room at RMAF 2016. Photo credit: Alan Sircom / Hi-Fi+
Eclipse / Luxman room at RMAF 2016. Photo credit: Alan Sircom / Hi-Fi+
Eclipse / Luxman room at RMAF 2016. Photo credit: Alan Sircom / Hi-Fi+

Alan Sircom singled out the Luxman / Eclipse room at RMAF 2016 in Hi-Fi+:

“Finally, there were three rooms that deserve to be singled out for making an exceptional sound. The first was the Luxman/Eclipse room, because once a day Philip O’Hanlon of distributor On a Higher Note played an hour’s worth of classic mono recordings on a giant Luxman reference turntable from the 1970s. The newest LP played was 50 years old, and many were well into their mid-60s. Say what you want about stereo, but one channel of effortless, dynamic, and vivid sound is hard to beat.”

Read the whole article at Hi-Fi+.

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