Author Archives: Philip O'Hanlon

Ed Selley of Hi-Fi Choice “waves the flag for single drivers” in an informative review of the Eclipse TD-M1 desktop system

HiFi Choice EdSelley Quote LONG1

“…’Time Domain’ principle…distinctive and seriously impressive… The TD-M1 represents an attempt to marry this technology with a degree of convenience that should broaden the appeal…” “The shape is a function […]

“Fast, tight and uncannily well timed” Macworld’s Andrew Harrison reviews Eclipse TD508MK3

Eclipse TD508MK3

“Sounding fast, tight and uncannily well-timed, the Eclipse TD508MK3 is a rare hi-fi loudspeaker that has been clearly designed for music enjoyment and a temporally authentic sound, rather than blindly […]

Luxman monoblocks – thumbs up from long time fan, owner of many Luxman components over the years


Roman has owned many Luxman components and components from other reputable high end manufacturers throughout the years. He has two systems where Luxman monoblocks are bridged, with both Luxman source components and preamps.  The video above showcases one of his existing systems (details of equipment list below).  He also did some A/B testings across brands and models and shared his insights.

Montreal’s SSI 2015 Show Report

Montreal Show 2015 Philip and Friends

Once again, congrats to Coup de Foudre Montreal for putting on a great show at the SSI 2015. Thanks again for the hospitality and warm welcome. Proud to announce that Doug […]