Merging 2-Channel NADAC catches the “attention” of Part-Time Audiophile’s Rafe Arnott

Merging NADAC ST2

Merging Technology’s multi-channel NADAC has been causing a bit of a stir, and seemed to be a favorite of many at RMAF this year. And now the Merging 2-channel NADAC is getting some well-deserved praise from Rafe Arnott of Part-Time Audiophile. He wrote the article published earlier today on their website: “RMAF 2015: Merging Technologies and German Physiks gets my attention with digital.”

“It’s not too often that I will raise an unkempt eyebrow over a digital rig…The NADAC was doing something that I don’t hear very often, which was sound organic. The music was nothing special, just a mix of various jazz titles, all at different sample rates, but it had a very natural flow, with real texture and warmth to it.”

Read the full article here.

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