Category Archives: Latest News

Merging Technologies NADAC+Player PL8 raving review by Kal Rubinson at Stereophile!

IMG 1116

The NADAC+ Player PL8 brought the platform to an MQA compatible streaming environment. Mr. Rubinson commended Merging Technologies’ efforts to have “successfully added full-feature music-player software to its well-received DAC… […]

A Tale of Three Components – Gryphon Sonett Phonostage, the Third Leg for a Vinyl Outboard Trio

Gryphon Vinyl Outboard Trio

Gryphon Audio has a remarkable reputation for their systems approach with designers and engineers knowing just the right touch needed to evoke just enough emotion.  The brand leads with their money-no-object […]

Aurender and Melco on Merging Technologies’ Ravenna platform | combined with NADAC or NADAC PLAYER forms multi-channel digital solution from recording studios to home

Merging Aurender Melco

  Merging Technologies’ Ravenna Ethernet Audio platform is being adopted by other devices.  Of note is the latest news where Aurender and Melco both incorporated the Ravenna protocol into their […]