Search Results for: luxman

Ken Kessler & Paul Miller, HiFi News, “HIGHLY RECOMMEND” Luxman’s 90th birthday “celebratory” 700 series.

“Style, fit and finish ooze ‘luxury’ as the name has always implied, while tone controls are comprehensive yet avoiding clutter. Meters are a nice touch, as is the preamp’s display.” […]

Reviewers’ Choice Award for Luxman L-550Ax Class A Integrated – SoundStage! Network

Luxman L-550AX Soundstage Hans Wetzel Review

“What the L-550AX possessed was an incredibly lifelike, holographic, reach-out-and-touch-it three-dimensionality… “What set the L-550AX’s sound apart from the crowd was its presence — a natural, thoroughly organic sound that was […]