Category Archives: Philip’s Musings

Philip O’Hanlon’s passion to find and great music sparked the start of his journey in connecting with high end audio manufacturers, artists, composers, engineers, audio consultants and music lovers at large.  Philip’s musings share many of his fun experiences, opening a dialogue with our community to fuel the passion.

Show report: Dealer event at Joseph Cali System’s Gryphon Audio loft in New York

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Setting up the Gryphon Manhattan dealer’ showroom was a labor of love.   I got so touched by the commitment to excellence from everyone around me that I wrote about the […]

Gryphon Has Landed in snowy New York! – The Prep

Gryphon Launch New York Mar 2018

Truly a redefinition of the word “Excellence” from all fronts, last night’s event with Joseph Cali at their high end loft in the Gryphon room just off of Union Square […]

A Tale of Three Components – Gryphon Sonett Phonostage, the Third Leg for a Vinyl Outboard Trio

Gryphon Vinyl Outboard Trio

Gryphon Audio has a remarkable reputation for their systems approach with designers and engineers knowing just the right touch needed to evoke just enough emotion.  The brand leads with their money-no-object […]