Category Archives: Show Reports

2 months, 6 cities, Gryphon Zena Launch Recap – last dealer seminar this Saturday in Chicago. Zena at local dealers in 2 weeks

Stereophile mag pc Jason Serinus

Just got on my way to Chicago to unveil Zena to music lovers in the greater Chicago area.  This is the last of a 6-city-launch since we received the Zena […]

Show report: Dealer event at Joseph Cali System’s Gryphon Audio loft in New York

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Setting up the Gryphon Manhattan dealer’ showroom was a labor of love.   I got so touched by the commitment to excellence from everyone around me that I wrote about the […]

Gryphon Has Landed in snowy New York! – The Prep

Gryphon Launch New York Mar 2018

Truly a redefinition of the word “Excellence” from all fronts, last night’s event with Joseph Cali at their high end loft in the Gryphon room just off of Union Square […]